printing, 3-47
STR? to read response, 4-3
program failed to load, 1-17
program variables, values, 4-5
programming commands, 4-2
programming commands, preview, 3-20
QQUIT command, 4-12
RRAM disks, 3-35
read response, PROG
STR?, 4-3
rear-panel connections, 1-13
recall files, 3-43
recall, mask or limit line, 3-46
recall, user-correction file, 3-60
reference, 10 MHz, 1-11
reference, eye-diagram analyzer, 3-2
repetitive and non-repetitive signals, 3-5
restore the factory instrument preset, 1-27
return to the jitter analyzer (or eye-diagram
analyzer), 3-20
RF correction, on off, 3-62
Ssafety information, 1-iii
instrument state as preset state, 1-26
save, files, 3-42
save, instrument state, 3-45
save, mask or limit line, 3-46
mass storage, 3-34
user-correction file, 3-59
saving, recalling, cataloging user-correction
files, 3-59
scale and position each trace, 3-26
scale trace, 3-26
screen instructions, 1-19
select single or continuous sweeps, 1-22
select the mode, 1-22
select the pattern generator settings, 1-23
select trigger source, 1-22
selecting memory, 3-34
self-guided screen, 1-20
self-test, 3-69
sensitivity in eyeline mode, 3-17
set up measurement conditions, 1-22
setting up eye-diagram analysis, 1-4
setup and trg, cal, 3-12
signals, repetitive and non-repetitive, 3-5
softkeys, left-side menu, 3-15
software filter loading, 2-17
software filters, 1-9
software filters, using, 2-15
standards, testing, 2-19
statistical analysis, 2-38, 2-43
stop on and display trace errors, 2-21
storage, GPIB disk, 3-37
storage, internal RAM, 3-37
sweep selection, 1-22
sweeps available, 1-10
Ttest to industry standards, 2-19
testing responses, 3-11
testing, mask or limit line, 2-23
testing, with additional margin, 2-20
time and date viewing, 3-21
time delay addition, 2-28
average, 3-26
trace 2 delay compensated, 3-64
trace averaging, 3-26
trace errors, 2-21
trace, error, 3-32
trace, persistence, 3-27
trace, position, 3-26
trace, scale, 3-26
display, 3-25
displayed, 3-25
persistence modes, 3-27
position and scale, 3-26
traces, displaying, 3-25
traces, measure, markers, masks, and mass
storage menus, 3-13
transfer function, constructing a low-pass fil-
ter, 2-30