Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Creating Copies of the Display
Creating Copies of the Display Often, it is important to create hard copies of the display for reports or
records. A copy of the display can be printed on any Hewlett-Packard graphics
printer. These printers support the Hewlet t-Packar d PCL printe r languag e and
include the following:
Note The printer must have an GPIB interface.
Hard copies can be produced on a Hewlett-Packard plotter if the eye-diagram
analyzer is in pattern mode. Plots cannot be produced in eye or e yeline mod es.
To Create a Print
1Connect the printer to the display via an GPIB cable.
Be sure to connect the GPIB to the display’s connector, not to the connector
on the 70820A microwave transition analyzer module.
2The first time the printer is used, enter th e printer type and address by
DISPLAY, Hard Copy, printer address
GPIB TLK/LSN to configure the printer in talk/listen mode on the GPIB.
GPIB L ONLY to configure the printer in listen only mode on the GP IB .
To configure the printer via the HP-MSIB, use the HP-MSIB COLUMN and
HP-MSIB ROW softkeys to enter the printer address.
3To select the type of printer used, press:
←, printer config
Use the softkeys along the right side of the display to selec t the printer type.