Specifications and Characteristics
Specifications and Characteristics
Specifications and CharacteristicsThis chapter contains specifications and characteristics for the 71501C and
70874C Jitter and Eye Diagram Analyzer.
Definitions of
Terms The distinction between specifications, characteristics, typical performa nce ,
and nominal values is described as follows:
•Specifications describe warranted performance over t he tempera ture ra nge
0°C to +55°C (unless otherwise noted). All specificat ions apply after the in-
strument’s temperature has been stabilized aft er 1 hour continuous opera-
tion and self-calibration routines have been run. Unless otherwise noted,
corrected limits are given when specifications are subject to minimization
with error-correction routines.
•Characteristics provide useful, but nonwarranted information about the
functions and performance of the instru ment. Characte ristics are pr inted
in italics.
•Typical Performance, where listed, is not warranted, but indicates performance
which most units will exhibit.
•Nominal Value indicates the expected, but not warranted, value of the param-