Eye-Diagram Analyzer Reference
Performing Eye-Diagram Measurements
Performing Eye-Diagram Measurements To perform the automatic eye-diagram measur ements, u se the Measur e menu.
With the exception of extinction ratio, these measurements must be per-
formed in eye mode.
Automatic Measurements
The Measure menu’s top two softkeys automatically start measurements:
•Use the EXTINCT RATIO softkey to automatically compute the extin ction ratio
in eye or eyeline modes. This measurement is a ratio of th e mos t p reva lent log -
ical one level divided by the logical zero le vel over one bit interval. When mak-
ing extinction ratio measurements in eyeline mode, the number of samples
should be increased from the default of 1000 to approximately 20000. This in-
sures that a number of traces are evaluated to compute the extinction ratio.