
eye-diagram analyzer reference, 3-2
eye-diagram analyzer, calibrating, 3-23
eye-diagram menus, 3-12
software filters, 1-9
eyeline mode, 1-5, 1-7, 2-13
fails, program loading, 1-17
fast amplitude and phase transitions, 3-5
features of modes, 1-5
fiber optics
care of, 1-iv
file prefixes, 3-40
user-correction, 1-9, 3-18
files, catalog, 3-42
files, change prefix, 3-44
files, custom prefix, 3-45
files, erase, 3-43
files, recall, 3-43
filter, from a transfer function, 2-30
filter, laser overshoot, 2-18
filter, software, 2-17
filters, software, 2-15
firmware date code, 3-20
flat-line interpolation, 3-55
formatting a memory card, 3-37
formatting memory, 3-34
four traces can be displayed, 3-25
front-panel connections, 1-14
generating histograms, 3-7
getting started with the eye-diagram analyzer,
GPIB disk, 3-37
GPIB, disk drives, 3-36
guided instructions, 1-20
histogram menu, 3-7
histogram type selection, 2-36
histogram, horizontal creation, 2-41
histogram, selection, 2-36
histogram, vertical creation, 2-36
histograms, generating, 3-7
horizontal histogram creation, 2-41
IF calibration, 3-64
improve the sensitivity in eyeline mode, 3-17
industry standards testing, 2-19
infinite monochrome persistence, 3-28
initializing a memory card, 3-37
input connector, 1-iv
INSTR PRESET key definition, 1-11
instructions on the screen, 1-19
internal RAM disk, 3-37
interpolation, flatline, 3-55
interpolation, logarithmic slope, 3-55
keypad, custom, 1-3
laser and optical-to-electrical converter, 1-15
laser bias affects overshoot, 2-5
laser overshoot and turn-on delay, 2-14
laser overshoot filtered, 2-18
left-side menu keys, 3-15
limit line displayed on screen, 3-10
limit line or mask creation, 2-24
limit line or mask editing, 2-24
limit line or mask testing, 2-23
limit lines and mask, 1-8
load state or mask or limit line, 3-45
load the personality, 1-16
loading software filter, 2-17
logarithmic slope interpolation, 3-55
low-level signals, extinction ratios, 2-10
low-pass filter from a transfer function, 2-30
manually load the personality, 1-17
manually set the trigger level, 1-25
MARGIN command, 4-9
using, 3-30