Specifications and Characteristics
Horizontal Specifications
Horizontal Specifications

These specifications are for the eye diagram analyzer only.

Table5-5. Horizontal Specifications

Time scale range:
(full sclae is 10 divsions) 5 ps/div100 s/div
Delta time measurement accuracy:
(whichever is larger)
Time delay in eye mode:
(clock frequencies > 10 MHz)
Time delay in eyeline and pattern modes:
Pattern repetition frequeny > 10 MHz
Pattern repetition frequency 10 MHz ±2 pattern repetition lengths
Time delay between channels:a
a. Time delay between channels (up to ±20% of the time span) is correctable in software.
<10 ps
1 ps or < time span
number of trace points
--------------------------------------------- -----------------
---------------------------to (1000) (time span)
---------------------------to (1000) (time span)