y Ensure that you choose a “Mackie Control” control surface. The “Logic Control” control surface
uses a different set of MIDI messages and is not compatible with the Alesis MasterControl.
y Rows 2 and 3 on the MasterControl correspond to different modes in Logic:
Row 2 is Send Mode. Four “Send Parameter” options are selectable within Logic for this row:
1. Destination (incompatible with the MasterControl)
2. Level (dB)
3. Position (Pre-/Post-)
4. Mute (Active/Muted)
We suggest choosing “Level” or “Position” for this parameter. “Destination” (the default in Logic)
will not work with the MasterControl.
If zoom mode is not enabled on the MasterControl, you can use the up and down arrows around
the jog/shuttle wheel to navigate amongst the available sends in this row.
Row 3 is CSParam Mode. Eight "Channel Strip Parameter" options are selectable within Logic for
this row:
1. Volume
2. Pan
3. Format
4. Input (incompatible with the MasterControl)
5. Output (incompatible with the MasterControl)
6. Automation Mode
7. Group
8. Displayed Parameter
"CSParam" is re-assignable. The default is “Volume.” We recommend using "Format," which can
turn effects on and off, or “Automation Mode,” which cycles through the various automation options
for the selected track.
If zoom mode is not enabled on the MasterControl, you can change the parameter that you are
affecting by using the left and right arrows around the jog/shuttle wheel in this row.
y “Write” is used to turn automation on. Automation can only be defeated in Logic by pressing the
“Read” button. “Read” toggles between “on” and “off.”
y By design, the MasterControl’s MASTER fader can control Logic’s MASTER output. However,
Logic does not automate this channel. For bi-directional control over the output level, use Logic’s
OUT 1-2 fader, which appears as an ordinary channel within the right-most bank of your Logic
y Press the Knob Row 2 and Knob Row 3 buttons repeatedly for different options available for these
rows. The printed overlays provide only one of the different options available for each of the two
knob rows.
y For the third row, which controls individual channel EQ, the first page controls the EQ
parametrically. The first two bands are assigned to the knobs. Press BANK > to access the last
two bands. Double-click on the EQ icon in the mixer or the arrange view to see the entire view of
the parametric EQ. The second page operates as indicated on the included overlay.