Switching Statistics Commands
get-eth-cnt <port-number>
SYS_console>get-eth-cnt 8
Ethernet Statistics for Port 8
Good Bytes Received: 249432
Good Multicast Bytes Received: 1011480
Good Broadcast Bytes Received: 85944
Good Bytes Sent: 107222
Good Frames Receive: 16011
Good Multicast Frames Receive: 991
Good BroadCast Frames Receive: 13773
Frames Sent: 1059
Receive and Transmit Collisions: 0
Receive and Transmit Late Collisions:0
Receive CRC or Alignment Error: 0
Receive Frame > 1518 bytes with Bad CRC: 0
Receive Fragments: 43
Receive Frame > 1518 bytes
with Good CRC:
Bad Bytes Received: 0