Port 4 Input (Flag 16)
This flag informs the controller that Port 4 is to be used as an input. Jumpers JP1 and JP2 must be set accordingly. The commands; read inputs (A129), branch (G 2048) and loop (L n) will use this input port.
Conflicts - Flag 2 and Flag 4 (outputs) are not permitted.
Example- turn on 3 options:
“l 25” = 1+8+16 = (invert limits) + (PLC mode) + (port 4 = input).
In general, a
Gentle Limit (Flag 32)
Preliminary – not fully tested. When a limit input is activated, the motion (presumably high speed) will decelerate to zero based on the deceleration value defined by the “K” command. This means that there will be some travel overshoot. The mechanical design should take this into account.
Command | Function |
| Type |
| NV Bytes | |
M | Move at Constant Velocity |
| Immediate, Program | 3 | ||
| |
Mnemonic |
| Data 1 | Data 2 | Result | ||
| |
| (Name) M |
| SPS | None | None |
M (Move at a Constant Velocity)
The “+” or
Motion may be terminated by:
1.The “M 0” command
2.Soft stop command or interrupt
3.Abort (ESC) interrupt (without deceleration)
The default initial velocity is used at the first invocation of the command. The following commands modify effective speeds and resolutions:
5.Ramp factor
6.Step Resolution
An example of this command within a program, in conjunction with the Loop on Port and Soft Stop commands, is as follows:
P 0 | Enter program mode. |
M 2000 | Move at a constant step rate of 2000 SPS. |
L0 0 | Loop to memory address location 0 until port 1 is low. |
@Decelerate and stop program execution.
P | Exit program mode. |
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