Byte Memory
The byte memory space is a bidirectional,
The byte memory space on the
Byte Memory DMA (BDMA, Full Memory Mode)
The Byte memory DMA controller allows loading and storing of program instructions and data using the byte memory space. The BDMA circuit is able to access the byte memory space while the processor is operating normally and steals only one DSP cycle per
The BDMA circuit supports four different data formats, which are selected by the BTYPE register field. The appropriate num- ber of
Table V.
| Internal |
BTYPE | Memory Space | Word Size | Alignment |
00 | Program Memory | 24 | Full Word |
01 | Data Memory | 16 | Full Word |
10 | Data Memory | 8 | MSBs |
11 | Data Memory | 8 | LSBs |
Unused bits in the
BDMA accesses can cross page boundaries during sequential addressing. A BDMA interrupt is generated on the completion of the number of transfers specified by the BWCOUNT register. The BWCOUNT register is updated after each transfer so it can be used to check the status of the transfers. When it reaches zero, the transfers have finished and a BDMA interrupt is gener- ated. The BMPAGE and BEAD registers must not be accessed by the DSP during BDMA operations.
The source or destination of a BDMA transfer will always be
When the BWCOUNT register is written with a nonzero value, the BDMA circuit starts executing byte memory accesses with wait states set by BMWAIT. These accesses continue until the count reaches zero. When enough accesses have occurred to create a destination word, it is transferred to or from
The BDMA Context Reset bit (BCR) controls whether the processor is held off while the BDMA accesses are occurring. Setting the BCR bit to 0 allows the processor to continue opera- tions. Setting the BCR bit to 1 causes the processor to stop execution while the BDMA accesses are occurring, to clear the context of the processor and start execution at address 0 when the BDMA accesses have completed.
Internal Memory DMA Port (IDMA Port; Host Memory Mode)
The IDMA Port provides an efficient means of communication between a host system and the
The IDMA port has a
The DSP memory address is latched and then automatically incremented after each IDMA transaction. An external device can therefore access a block of sequentially addressed memory by specifying only the starting address of the block. This in- creases throughput as the address does not have to be sent for each memory access.
IDMA Port access occurs in two phases. The first is the IDMA Address Latch cycle. When the acknowledge is asserted, a
Once the address is stored, data can then either be read from or written to the
Once an access has occurred, the latched address is automati- cally incremented and another access can occur.
Through the IDMAA register, the DSP can also specify the starting address and data format for DMA operation.
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