Chapter 2 Functions and Operations
FREQ/DIST Displays the frequency and distance menu depending on the measurement mode.
Frequency Provides for setting sweep frequency end points when FREQ mode is selected.
MenuSelected frequency values may be changed using the keypad or Up/Down arrow key.
F1 — Opens the F1 parameter for data entry. This is the start value for the frequency sweep. Press ENTER when data entry is complete.
F2 — Opens the F2 parameter for data entry. This is the stop value for the frequency sweep. Press ENTER when data entry is complete.
Distance Provides for setting Distance to Fault parameters when a DTF mode is selected.
MenuChoosing DIST causes the soft keys, below, to be displayed and the correspond- ing values to be shown in the message area. Selected distance values may be changed using the keypad or Up/Down arrow key.
D1 — Opens the start distance (D1) parameter for data entry. This is the start value for the distance range (D1 default = 0). Press ENTER when data entry is complete.
D2 — Opens the end distance (D2) parameter for data entry. This is the end value for the distance range. Press ENTER when data entry is complete.
DTF AID — Provides interactive help to optimize DTF set up parameters. Use the Up/Down arrow key to select a parameter to edit. Press ENTER when data entry is complete.
MORE — Selects the Distance
Distance Provides for setting the cable loss and relative propagation velocity of the coax-
LOSS — Opens the Cable Loss parameter for data entry. Enter the loss per foot (or meter) for the type of transmission line being tested. Press ENTER when data entry is complete. (Range is 0.000 to 5.000 dB/m, 1.524 dB/ft)
PROP VEL (relative propagation velocity) — Opens the Propagation Veloc- ity parameter for data entry. Enter the propagation velocity for the type of transmission line being tested. Press ENTER when data entry is complete. (Range is 0.010 to 1.000)
CABLE — Opens a common coaxial cable folder and custom coaxial cable folder. Select either folder and use the Up/Down arrow key and ENTER to make a selection. This feature provides a rapid means of setting both cable loss and propagation velocity. (Refer to Appendix A for a listing of common coaxial cables showing values for Relative Propagation Velocity and Nomi- nal Attenuation in dB/m @ 1000 MHz, 2000 MHz and 2500 MHz.) The cus- tom cable folder can consist of up to 24
WINDOW — Opens a menu of FFT windowing types for the DTF calcula- tion. Scroll the menu using the Up/Down arrow key and make a selection with the ENTER key.
BACK — Returns to the Distance Menu.
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