“Directions to” or | Address, name, | “Directions to 1299 |
“Navigate to” | business name, type | Colusa Avenue, |
| of business, or other | Berkeley, California” |
| destination | or |
| |
| “Navigate to |
| Union Square, |
| San Francisco.” |
"Post to Google+" | What you want posted | "Post to Google+ I'm |
| to Google+ | going out of town." |
"What's this song?" |
| When you hear a |
| song, ask "What's this |
| song?" |
"Scan a barcode" | Scan a barcode or QR |
| code to learn more |
| about a product. |
"Scan a barcode" and hold barcode in front of the device's camera.
“Go to” | Search string or URL | “Go to Google.com” |
“Send email” | “To” & contact name, | “Send email to Hugh |
| “Subject” & subject | Briss, subject, new |
| text, “Message” & | shoes, message, I can’t |
| message text (speak | wait to show you my |
| punctuation) | new shoes, period.” |
“Note to self” | Message text | “Note to self: remem- |
| ber the milk” |
Nexus 7 (2013) Guidebook | Google Now & Search | 53 |