Nexus 7 (2013) Guidebook GooGLe NoW & seARCH 40
for sports or flight up dates, or from your sy nced calenda r entries
for appointment remin ders.
About Google Now cards
A Google Now card is a short s nippet of useful infor mation that
slides into view right whe n you’re most likel y to need it. For exa m-
ple, here’s a trafc card :
To see some sample cards from the m ain Google Now screen,
touch Menu > Sample cards. Whe n you’re nished and wa nt
to get back to the main Google No w screen, touch Hide sample
in addition to the cards show n in the list of samp les, you may also
see a Public Alerts car d.
Public Alerts provid e emergency infor mation from source s such
as the National Weather ser vice and the u.s. Geol ogical survey.
Coverage is currently pr ovided by a limited numbe r of key part-
ners, only in the united s tates (excepting u.s. Geo logical survey
earthquake alerts). Go ogle can’t guarantee t hat you’ll see every
relevant alert. Howeve r, Google Now atte mpts to show you what ’s
important when you ne ed it, in the hop e that such ale rts are a use-
ful additional source of i nformation. To learn m ore, visit support.