Section 2. Setting Up Your iSee
iSee 360i User’s Manual -19-
To insert an iPod mini, iPod nano, or iPod video:
1. Make sure you have the correct adapter for your iPod. Each
type of iPod has its own unique adapter. Adapters are
optional accessories and are available from your iSee
Caution: If you have more than one type of iPod, be sure to
remove the adapter before attempting to insert a different
model iPod or adapter. Be especially careful if you have an
iPod video adapter. This is a sled that rests in the iSee to
position the iPod video correctly, and it’s easy to overlook.
2. With the iPod facing up, orient the adapter so its open
surface is also up, and so its inner USB connector is
positioned to mate with the iPod’s connector. (The iSee
video adapter has no inner USB connector.)
3. Slide the adapter over the iPod until the connectors mate
Using an Adapter with the iPod mini, nano, or video
4. Position the adapter so the iPod screen is facing to the rear
of the iSee, and the adapter’s outer USB connector is
oriented toward the iSee.
5. Slide the adapter into the iSee until the adapter clicks into
place and the connectors are mated securely.