Regulates the speed of the unit’s Ethernet port(s). If Auto is enabled, the Ethernet speed is negotiated. When hard set, 10 and 100 speeds are half duplex.
Default: auto
set EthernetSpeed [mp1] [10 100 auto] SaveConfiguration Restart command required get EthernetSpeed [mp1]
Regulates event logging. When enabled, the unit records various system events to the event log.
Default: enabled
set EventLog [enabled disabled] get EventLog
Filters data from specific unit subsystems and levels when EventLog is enabled. The specific entries supported are
Default: all all all
set EventLogFilter [subsystem all] [ level all] [all none] get EventLogFilter [subsystem all ] [level all]
Terminates the current CLI session over Telnet. This command has no effect if used during a serial CLI session.
Specifies the connection mode the unit uses when communicating across a Fibre Channel network.
Connection modes:
FC_AL arbitrated loop: loop
set FCConnMode [fp all] [loop ptp
get FCConnMode [fp all]
Specifies the Fibre Channel data rate at which the unit operates. Choices are 1Gb/sec., 2Gb/sec., 4Gb/sec. or
The FC data rate displayed in the Info output toggles between 1Gb, 2Gb and 4Gb on a 4Gb-
capable unit if no connection has been established.
Default: auto
set FCDataRate [fp all] [1Gb 2Gb 4Gb auto] SaveConfiguration Restart command required get FCDataRate [fp all]
Regulates Fibre Channel hard address assignment. When enabled, the unit tries to use its internal hard address as its address on the Fibre Channel loop. Under soft addressing, the unit loop address is assigned during loop initialization.
Default: disabled
set FCHard [enabled disabled] SaveConfiguration Restart command required get FCHard
Specifies the value used as the
Defaults: fp1=3, fp2=4, fp3=5, fp4=6 set FCHardAddress [fp] [address] SaveConfiguration Restart command required get FCHardAddress [fp all]
Determines the reported identity of Fibre Channel ports. When enabled (multiple node mode), each port reports a separate unique Node Name; logical units may be mapped to any port. When disabled (single node), each port reports the same Node Name and each logical unit map is applied to all ports.
Changing the FC port reporting causes all maps to be deleted: you must perform a Lists the physical devices that are connected to all SAS ports. command before creating new maps using the AutoMap or Route commands.
Default: disabled
set FCMultiNode [enabled disabled] get FCMultiNode
Displays the number of Fibre Channel errors that have occurred since the last
get FCPortErrors [fp all]
ATTO Technology Inc. FastStream SC Installation and Operation Manual