
Starts or stops a drive test with the previously-specified configuration and drive list. Drives which are in-use by the test are not available for RAID configuration or RAID operations. Only one test can be run at a time.

DriveTest [Begin Cancel]


Configures the next drive test to perform: initialize (destructive write-only), read (non-destructive read-only), verify (destructive verify), or init-verify (destructive write-read-verify).The test is not started until the DriveTest Begin command is given.

set DriveTestConfig [init read verify init-verify] get DriveTestConfig


Specifies drives to be run in the next drive test. This command can be called with different eligible block IDs and each one is added to the list. Drives which are not part of a RAID group or are not hot spares are eligible. The all parameter automatically chooses eligible drives. The test is not started until the DriveTest Begin command is given.

set DriveTestList [drive [BlockDevID] all] get DriveTestList


Displays the status of the currently running drive test, but does not display performance metrics. If a block device ID is not running or cannot be found, its state is idle and percent complete is 0.

get DriveTestStatus <drive [BlockDevID]>


Displays the unit’s configuration to the Advanced page of the ExpressNAV Storage Manager or a terminal emulation or telnet session. The record may not be displayed completely in the ExpressNAV page.



Displays the contents of the EventLog to the Advanced page of the ExpressNAV Storage Manager or a terminal emulation or telnet session. The record may not be displayed completely in the ExpressNAV page.



Configures the Email address that the unit uses to communicate with the Email server. Full Email address is a fully qualified Internet Email address, not more than 128 characters long.

set EmailFromAddress [full email address] get EmailFromAddress


Regulates Email notification.

Default: disabled.

set EmailNotify [enabled disabled] get EmailNotify


Configures notification addresses. Index is a number between 1 and 5. Full Email address is a fully qualified Internet Email address, not more than 128 characters long. Emails are sent based on the warning level you set to trigger an Email alert.

Warning levels None: no Emails

Critical: only critical severity events

Warning: warnings and critical events

Informational: information

All: all warnings, critical events and informational messages

set EmailNotifyAddress [index] [full email address] [warning level]

get EmailNotifyAddress <index all>


Configures the password which authenticates the login to the SMTP Email server. The password must not be more than 64 characters. A password is not required if the Email server does not require authentication.

set EmailPassword SaveConfiguration command required


Configures the address of the server the unit must contact in order to send out Email notifications using either an Email address ( or a fully qualified domain name (


set EmailServerAddress [IP address domain name] SaveConfiguration command required

get EmailServerAddress


Configures the user name which authenticates the login to the SMTP Email server. The user name must not be more than 128 characters. A user name is not required if the Email server does not require authentication.

set EmailUsername [username] SaveConfiguration command required get EmailUsername


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ATTO Technology SC 5700 DriveTestConfig, DriveTestList, DriveTestStatus, DumpConfiguration, DumpEventLog, EmailNotify