Call Handling Features
Issue 4 November 2006 27

Adding a held call to the current call

1. Press the Conference ( ) button.
The icon on the current line changes to the Soft Hold () icon.
2. Press the Line/Feature button of the held call.
3. Press the Conference ( ) button again.
All parties are now connected.

Dropping the last person added to the call

Press the Drop ( ) button.
The last party connected to the conference call is dropped from the call.
The Hold feature puts a call on hold until you retrieve it.

Placing a call on hold

Press the Hold ( ) button.
The line’s display area changes to white text with a dark gray background, and the
Hold () icon displays.

Retrieving the held call

Press the Line/Feature button on which the call is being held, or press the
Hold ( ) button.
The call is now active.
During an active call, the Mute feature prevents the party with whom you are speaking from
hearing you. Using Mute, you can hold an off-line conversation at any time during a call.

Preventing the other person on the line from hearing you

1. Press the Mute ( ) button.
The other party cannot hear you. The indicator next to the Mute button lights when Mute is
2. To reinstate two-way conversation, press the Mute ( ) button again.