4EmergeTM DM2000 Desktop Manager - Installer/User Guide
Table 1.2: Explorer Window Area Descriptions (Continued)
Letter Description
Top navigation bar - The options in the top navigation bar vary depending on the active tab in the tab bar. Topics relevant to each selection display in the side navigation bar.
Side navigation bar - Use the side navigation bar to select system information to display or edit in
Dthe content area. The side navigation bar contains arrows that affect its display; see Using the side navigation bar on page 4.
Content area - The information specified by the tab bar, top navigation bar and side navigation bar selections is displayed and changed in the content area.
Using the side navigation bar
The side navigation bar is used to display windows that specify settings or perform operations. The contents of the side navigation bar vary, depending on the tab and top navigation bar options that are in use.
Figure 1.2 shows the location of side navigation bar arrow.
Unit Views
Active Sessions
NOTE: Menus are static and cannot be expanded or collapsed
Figure 1.2: Example Side Navigation Bar
The arrows displayed indicate that a number of
Displaying pages
Multiple page windows contain menu options that may be used to quickly navigate from one display to another.You can click to enable the Select All checkbox to select all items on a page. Enabling this checkbox selects all the items listed on a page regardless of whether the entire page is visible. However, for