40EmergeTM DM2000 Desktop Manager - Installer/User Guide
Event categories
Defined events can be classified in the following categories:
•Target Device
•User Statistics
•Access Control
Displaying the Event Log
There are several ways to customize event log displays.
•You may display all events in the log.
•You may display events of a particular severity or a particular category.
Event log display fields
The following fields are always displayed in the Event Log window:
•Severity - See Event severity on page 39. Clicking this field will display the Event Informa- tion window, which contains details about the event.
•Date/Time - Displays the date and time of an event in the Management Appliance's time zone.
•Description - Short description of an event.
To display the event log:
Click the Reports tab. The Event Log - All window will open.
•To display event log entries by severity, click one of the levels in the Severity Level column in the side navigation bar. (See the Note below for an alternative way to display the event log by certain severity levels.)
•To display event log entries by category, click one of the categories in the Event Category col- umn in the side navigation bar.
Changing the Event Log Retention Period
By default, an event log is retained for seven days (one week).
NOTE: Event log information is stored in the Management Appliance database. Increasing the event log retention time may impact the performance of the Management Appliance.