Events and Event Logs
When an enabled, defined event occurs in the EmergeTM DM2000 Desktop Manager (Management Appliance), it is saved in the event log. You can display the event log content or view details about
an individual event log entry. If you wish, you can also export event logs to Microsoft(R) Excel for further analysis.
It is also possible to change the event log’s retention period and export the event log’s content.
NOTE: It is not possible to manually delete event logs. The Management Appliance automatically deletes logs
which have expired. See Changing the Event Log Retention Period on page 40.
Event Severity and Categories
Events are classified by severity and category.
Event severity
Table 6.1 describes the event severity levels. The icon appears in event log displays.
Table 6.1: Event Severity Levels
Severity | Description | |
| |
Debug | Abnormal events that require correcting at a later time. | |
| |
Information | Events that are neither periodic nor problematic. | |
| |
Warning | Abnormal events that require action but that do not result in failures of tasks | |
or communication. | ||
| ||
| |
Error | Abnormal events of a more serious nature may require quicker action. | |
| |
Fatal | Severe abnormal events impacting your Management Appliance session | |
and requires immediate corrective action. | ||
| ||