2EmergeTM DM2000 Desktop Manager - Installer/User Guide
Unit and user management
The Management Appliance provides centralized network access, control and security for managed units and users.
System Components
Management Appliance
The Management Appliance provides a centralized database for storing configuration, user, unit and system information. Through this the administrator can add, remove, delete and change settings for managed appliances and users. The Management Appliance also allows connection brokering to control the establishment, removal, and monitoring of associations between ECMS Receivers and ECMS Transmitters. In addition, it provides access to a range of administration options that include services for authentication, access control, logging events and monitoring
Administrators may connect to the Management Appliance via a web browser and use the Management Appliance Explorer window to communicate with the system.
Management Appliance Software Client
A Management Appliance Software Client is a computer with a web browser that can access the Management Appliance.
The Management Appliance supports Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP2.
Supported Units
For management functions, the Management Appliance uses HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol with SSL encryption) to interact with the ECMS2000U Digital Workstation Extender system.
The Management Appliance supports ECMS Transmitters and ECMS Receivers.
ECMS Transmitter
The ECMS Transmitter connects externally to the video, audio and USB ports of the target device.
The ECMS Transmitter is attached directly to the target device and draws its power from two USB ports on the remote computer. This removes the need for additional power supply connections at the rack.
The ECMS Transmitter captures, compresses, and encrypts the computer’s media stream and transmits them to the ECMS Receiver over a standard TCP/IP network.
ECMS Receiver
The ECMS Receiver enables the desktop user’s keyboard, video, mouse and audio devices to connect to the Emerge ECMS2000U Extender system. The ECMS Receiver is available as a desktop user station.