DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 191
DX-700 Remote Command List
The following command categories are presented in this section:
Output LED Commands
Output Fiberlink Commands
Monitor Output Commands
Preset Commands
Miscellaneous Commands



Description: Turn on/off all devices (tile and Fiberlink) connected to the specified
output ID.
Set format: SCRPWR | Bank | Out | Pwr
~Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
~Out: Output ID 1 – 6
~Pwr: Power mode [ 0 | 1 ] .. 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
SExample: SCRPWR | 1 | 4 | 1
Query format: SCRPWR? | Bank | Out
Query returns: Pwr | Min | Max
~Pwr: Power Mode
~Min: Min Power Mode
~Max: Max Power Mode
SExample: SCRPWR? | 2 | 1
1 | 0 | 1


Description: Set / Query the wall (digital) contrast.
Set format: WALLCONTR | Bank | Out | Contr
~Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
~Out: Output ID 1 – 6
~Contr: Contrast value [ 0 – Max Contrast ] .. in NIT
Note Max Contrast can be queried, refer to query format below.
SExample: WALLCONTR | 1 | 2 | 200