DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 213
The table below provides information regarding cables and adapters:
* NOTE: Custom fiber optic cable lengths up to 300 meters are available. Contact your sales
representative for details.
The fiber optic cable for the Fiberlink NNI modules comes with an IP-65 dust cap at each
end to protect the cable ends from dust and moisture contamination. Each dust cap
consists of two threaded twist-lock halves, as shown in the following illustration.
Figure D-4. Securing the dust cap on the fiber optic cable
To secure the dust cap on the fiber optic cable:
1. Grasp the lower half of the dust cap — the half that is attached to the cable — and
raise it toward the end of the cable.
2. Bring the two halves of the cap together and twist to close. The dust cap is secure
when the halves click into place.
Table D-1. Fiberlink NNI cables and adapters
Cable / Adapter Description Quantity
HDMI NNI cable (Supplied) 3M cables, 1 for transmitter, 1 for receiver 2
Fiber optic cables (Per order) 50, 100, and 150 meter cables are available * Order separately
Power (US) (Supplied) 18GA 10A 7.5 1
Power (EUR) (Supplied) VIIPLUG EUR 2.5M 1