198 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
DX-700 Remote Command List
Query format: FIBERRTIME? | Bank | Out | Index | Type
~Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
~Out: Output ID 1 – 6
~Index: Fiberlink index (starts from 1; 0 is not supported)
~Type: Fiberlink type (0 = Fiberlink Tx; 1 = Fiberlink Rx)
Query returns: Runtime
SExample: FIBERRTIME? | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0


Description: Set / Query the Monitor Output Resolution. With the string
parameter, DX-700 will use the string and try to match it to the standard format list.
Note that the system will always ignore interlaced formats as interlaced formats
are not allowed.
Set format: MORES | Format
~Format: Format string (refer to VFSTDLIST cmd for valid format strings)
SExample: MORES | 1600x1200 @60
Query format: MORES?
Query returns: Format
~Format: Format string (refer to VFSTDLIST cmd for valid format strings)
SExample: MORES?
1600x1200 @60


Description: Save Monitor Output Setting
Set format: MSAVE
Parameters: n/a
Example: MSAVE
Query format: n/a


Description: Set / Query the current Bank that Monitor Output is displaying.
Set format: MOBANK | Bank
~Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
SExample: MOBANK | 1
Query format: MOBANK?