DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 193
DX-700 Remote Command List
• 10 = Gamma Custom
•Query format: WALLGAMMA? | Bank | Out | Color
•Query returns: Gamma | Min | Max
~Gamma: Gamma
~Min: Minimum Gamma Type
~Max: Maximum Gamma Type
SExample: WALLGAMMA? | 3 | 2 | 1
3 | 0 | 9
t^iilpa•Description: Set wall OSD. The OSD index is the index of OSD list. User needs
to get the OSD list from “WallOSDList” command.
•Set format: WALLOSD | Bank | Out | Mode | Index | KeepSelected | LoopOSD
~Bank: Bank ID 1 – 3
~Out: Output ID 1 – 6
~Mode: OSD mode [ 0 | 1 ] .. 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
~Index: OSD index (required only if mode = 1)
~KeepSelected: Keep displaying the OSD.
~LoopOSD: Loop OSD in sequence (start from Index).
•Query format: WALLOSD? | Bank | Out
•Query returns: Mode | MinMode | MaxMode | Index | MinIndex | MaxIndex
~Mode: OSD Mode
~Min Mode: Minimum OSD Mode
Note The gamma type range depends on Custom Gamma
availability for a particular color. If “Gamma Custom” is
available/selectable, then gamma type range is 0 – 10 (in
query, Max = 10). If it is not available, the gamma type range
is 0 – 9 (in query, Max = 9). Please refer to the description for
further explanation.
SExample: WALLGAMMA | 1 | 2 | 0 | 4
Note This OSD index is tile dependent. The index used is the
sequence of OSD lists returned by WallOSDList command.
Note KeepSelected and LoopOSD are mutually exclusive.
However, in a situation when both of them are set,
KeepSelected will override LoopOSD.
SExample: WALLOSD | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0