DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 77
4. Operation
Power-Up Initialization
mçïÉêJré=fåáíá~äáò~íáçåUse the following steps to power-up the DX-700:
1. After connecting AC to the DX-700, locate the Power Switch on the rear of the
chassis, and turn the power ON. While the system is initializing, the DX-700
splash screen appears.
Figure 4-1. DX-700 Splash Screen
During this interval, the DX-700 discovers how your system’s banks and modules
are configured. After a brief pause, the Home Menu appears.
2. When using the DX-700 for the first time or when using a system that has just
returned from a show, perform a Factory Reset. For details, refer to the
“Performing a Factory Reset” on page 146.
If the above prompt occurs, and provided that a System Module is properly installed, on the
Startup Diagnostic Menu you can press {DX-700 Management} and access a subset of
management functions:
•{System Reset}
Refer to the “Using the DX-700 Management Menu” section on page 134 for details on all
DX-700 management functions.
Important With the exception of “spare” modules, if the system
determines that any modules are incorrectly installed or
missing, a Startup Diagnostic Menu appears which prompts
you to power down the system and re-configure the modules.