DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 45
2. Hardware Orientation
DX-700 Rear Panel
lìíéìí=jçÇìäÉëThe following topics are discussed in this section:
•Output Module Description
•Output Module Block Diagrams
•DVI Output Module
•NNI Output Module
The DX-700 offers two output modules:
•The DVI Output Module is designed for existing (legacy) LED products such as
MiPIX, DLite 7 and OLite 612.
•The NNI Output Module is designed for next generation LED products, such as
the NX-4, NX-6, FLX, and any future NNI-based LED tiles.
Each output module (regardless of type), provides three outputs. These outputs can drive
one or more attached displays from any portion of a selected source image. In Chapter 1,
refer to the “Understanding Banks” section on page24 for more information. Each output
module is fully shielded and field-installable.
Please note:
•A maximum of two output modules is allowed per bank.
•Each individual output is limited to a maximum resolution, depending on the type
of module:
~For DVI output modules, each output is limited to 800x600 pixels.
~For NNI output modules, each output is limited to 1024x768 pixels.
•If a single output exceeds the maximum parameter, outputs can be “grouped” in
order to increase the size of the output image. In Chapter 1, refer to the “Theory
of Operation” section on page 20 for additional information on maximum output
resolution and the DX-700’s “canvas.”
Note The output aspect ratio is flexible. For example, for DVI
modules, you can set the ratio to 800 x 600, 600 x 800,
300 x 1600, etc.
Important You cannot mix tile categories within a bank. Thus, the
following combination is not allowed:
•Output Module 1: MiPIX, DLite 7 (legacy tiles)
•Output Module 2: NX-4 (next generation tiles)