
MatrixPRO Remote Commands



Description: Displays a list of available commands on a terminal emulator such as ProComm or Hyperterminal.

Parameters: None

S Example: HELP (Returns the command list.)


Description: Clears all existing and pending video routes.

Parameters: None

S Example: CLEAR (Clears all existing and pending video routes.)


Description: Displays firmware checksums and other information.

Parameters: None

S Example: CSUMSTAT (Displays firmware checksums and other information.)


Description: Lock / unlock the front panel from user input. Locking the front panel results in the front panel not responding to user button presses.

Parameters: en -[01], DisableEnable

Query: FPLOCK? Returns the current front panel lock status in the format: =en

S Example: FPLOCK 1 (Locks the front panel from the user.)


Description: Add an output and/or input to the selected group index.


The user cannot add output to more than one group index.




grp Group number to add output; [1-16]

out Output number to add; [1-16] / 101 if no output to add

in Input number to add; [1-16] / 101 if no input to add


GADD 1 4 2 (Add output 4 and input 2 to group 1.)

GADD 1 101 5 (Add input 5 to group 1.)



MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide


Page 76
Image 76
Barco 16x16, HD/SD-SDI, 8x8 manual ~íêáñmol=pÉêá~ä=`çãã~åÇ=iáëíLaÉëÅêáéíáçå