EN 14
6.2.3Zone Bypass
There might be occasions when you need to temporarily bypass one or more zones before arming the system. Bypass commands only work when the control panel is disarmed. For example, an open window can cause the text keypad to display “Not Ready” followed by the zone number. The LED keypad might have one of its zone LEDs on steady.
You must be in Single Partition Mode to bypass from a Master keypad. Bypassing without arming is not allowed from an RF (wireless) keypad. If more than one zone requires bypassing, enter the additional zone numbers.
Refer to Section 6.2.2 Force Arming on page 13 for another method to bypass zones.
Table 11: Zone Bypass
Type of | Command Sequence | What Happens | What To Do |
Bypassing |
Bypass Faulted | [PIN][Bypass][XXX] | The green Status LED flashes if no other | If desired, arm the control panel |
Zones | [XXX][XXX] * | zones are faulted. | after bypassing. |
Read Bypassed | [PIN][Bypass] | • “Bypass” is displayed on a text keypad | If desired, arm the control panel |
Zones |
| followed by the zone number(s) of any | after bypassing. |
| bypassed zones. |
| • All zones normally armed by the arming |
| command sequence are armed except |
| for faulted zones. |
Clear Individual | [PIN][Bypass][XXX] * | The specified individual zone bypass is | If desired, arm the control panel |
Bypassed |
| cleared. | after bypassing. |
Zone(s) |
Clear All | [PIN][Bypass][*] | All bypasses are cleared. | If desired, arm the control panel |
Bypasses |
| after bypassing. |
*[XXX] is a
You must enter the zone number as a
Note: All bypasses are cleared when the system is disarmed, except for
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