Choosing a location
Place your machine on a flat , stable surface that is free of vi bration
and shocks, such as a desk. Put the machine near a telephone wall
jack and a standard, grou nded AC power outlet. Choose a locat ion
where the temperature re mains between 50°F and 95 °F (10°-35°C).
Avoid placing your machine in a high-traffic area.
Avoid placing your machine on the carpet.
Do not place near heaters, ai r conditioners, water, chemi cals, or
Do not expose the machine to direct sunlight, excessive heat,
moisture, or dust.
Do not connect your machine to ele ctrical outlets controlled by
wall switches or automatic timers.
Disruption of power can wipe out information in the machine’s
Do not connect your machine to el ectrical outlets on the same
circuit as large applianc es or other equipment that might d isrupt
the power supply.
Avoid interference sour ces, such as speakers or the base uni ts
of cordless phones.