3.In the "Fields:" list box, click the name of the first field that will be part of the joined field, then
●In our example, select "First Name".
4.Press the keyboard's space bar to add a space after "First Name" in the "Data:" edit box.
●When joining fields, you can add any text to the joined field just by typing it into the "Data:" edit box. To divide the joined field so that it will be written on different lines, type "/n" into the "Data:" edit box at the point where you wish to separate the joined field.
5.Select the name of the second field, then click
●For our example, select "Last Name".
6. After the joined field is the way you want it, clickto close the Add a Joined field
dialog box and add the new joined field to the "Joined Fields:" list box in the Define Joined Fields dialog box.
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