Configure the CyberSWITCH
For this example, we need to configure both a LAN and a WAN UnNumbered AppleTalk port. The LAN AppleTalk port represents SITE1’s connection to its LAN AppleTalk network, allowing SITE1 to exchange packets with the two MACs on the LAN. The WAN UnNumbered port creates a logical AppleTalk network over WAN that uses unnumbered
We will begin with configuring the LAN AppleTalk port. Select AppleTalk Ports from the AppleTalk Routing Menu. Then, press 1 to add a port. You will then be prompted for port information as shown below:
AppleTalk Port Type:
3)WAN (UnNumbered)
4)WAN (Mac Dial In)
Enter a port type from the above menu or <RET> to cancel? 1
Enter the port name or <RET> to cancel ? lanport1
Enter the LAN port number or <RET> to cancel? 1
AppleTalk Network Type:
1)Extended Network
2)NonExtended Network
Enter a network type from the above menu or <RET> to cancel? 1
Enter the AppleTalk network range. Use
Enter the suggested AppleTalk address [default = None] ? <RET>
Enter the default zone name or <RET> to cancel ? SITE1.Engineering
Use the following information to clarify each of the port information entries:
•port type:
Press 1 to select the LAN port type (this indicates that the system is physically connected to an Ethernet LAN segment.
•port name:
The port name is a 1 to 16 character
•port number:
Enter 1 for the port number of the AppleTalk LAN port. This is the port number on the Ethernet resource to which the physical LAN is connected.
•AppleTalk network type:
Choices are: extended or nonextended network. The extended network allows addressing of more than 254 nodes and supports multiple zones, whereas the nonextended network allows up to 254 nodes and supports only one zone.This network requires a range of network numbers and multiple zones. Select the extended network type.
Workgroup Remote Access Switch 99