Network Tools
The Network Tools function allows you to access and manage network devices. Figure
To access the Network Tools screen, use the arrow keys to highlight the NETWORK TOOLS menu item in the Device Menu screen and press ENTER. The Network Tools screen displays. Figure
to you.
Welcome to Network Tools
Commands Available to User
Built in Commands: |
| |
arp | bridge | defroute |
netstat | ping | reset |
show | traceroute |
soft_reset | telnet | link_trap |
done, quit, or exit - Exit from the Network Tools.
For help with a specific command, type 'help <command>'.
Figure 5-28 Network Tools Help Screen
The Network Tools functions are performed using a series of commands. Entering commands in Network Tools involves typing the command to be executed at the Network Tools prompt, adding any desired or required extensions, and pressing ENTER.
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