Chapter 7: Local Management
After configuring the local management terminal and properly attaching the cables to the SEHI, access the Local Management interface.
Use the following steps to access Local Management:
1. Power up the terminal. The Password screen (Figure
Cabletron SEHI Revision X.XX.XX
Cabletron Systems Incorporated
35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
Rochester, NH
(c)Copyright Cabletron Systems, Inc. 1993
SEHI F/W Version: X.XX.XX
Boot Prom Version: X.XX.XX
SEHI Board Version: X.X
EnterUser Password:
Figure 7-2 Password Screen
2.Enter the Password. The factory default password for
The password is one of the community names specified in the Community Name Table. Access to certain Local Management capabilities depends on the degree of access accorded that community name. See Section 7.5 for more details about community names.
3. Press ENTER.
•If the password entry is invalid, the cursor returns to the beginning of the password entry field.
•If the password is valid, the associated access privilege appears briefly, then the Feature Selection screen (Figure
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