8. Enter the last two digits of the current year. Press
thenpress .The LID display will show:
9. Press 1 and then to cause the controller to
update the clock. The LID display will flash. Press
twice to view the default display and the clock
shouldupdate to the input time and date.
Configure Schedules — Schedules are one method of
starting and stopping the unit at specified intervals. Toconfig-
urethe schedules, perform t he following procedure:
1. Press1 and then .The LID display will show:
OccupancyAlgorit hm
2. Press .The LID display will show:
Entert o select
3. Press .If the LID display shows“MODE 0” then
the user is in Maintenance mode and theLID display is
showing the maintenanceinformation for the occupancy
schedule. Press to enter the configuration
mode. The LID display will show:
ManualOverride Hours
This is the first configuration for each occupancy
algorithm and is used to put theschedule in or out of
occupancy override for the number of hours entered.
4. Press .The L ID display will show:
Period1: Day of week
Theeight dig its represent if this period should apply to
certain days of the week or holidays. The digits repre-
Entera seriesof 0s or 1s with a 1 corresponding to the
days that this period should apply to and a 0 for the
days that this schedule should not apply to. As an
example, entering 11111000would make the schedule
applyto days Monday through Friday and not apply to
Saturday,Sunday, or Holidays.
5. Pressthe button.The LIDdisplay will show:
Period1 occupiedfrom
6. Inputthe Occupancy Starttimef or this period.
NOTE:12.00 represents 12:00 pm.
7. Pressthe toinput the Occupied To time for period 1.
8. Input the days and times for periods 2 through 8 as
9. Pressclear to leavethe occupancy programming.
Program Set Points— To program the set points,
performthe following procedure:
1. Press2 and then . The LID display will show:
Setpoint Schedule
2. Press .The LID display will show:
Supply Fan Status
3. Press .
4. If “No maintenance” is displayed, press to
view the set point information. The LID display will
OccupiedLo S et point
This is the pressure set point below which the fan is
consideredto be off.
5. Press .The LID display w ill show:
OccupiedHi Set point
This is the pressure set point above which the fan is
consideredto be on.
The down or up arrow will also display the Unoccu-
pied Low and High Temperature set points. These
valuesshould be kept the same as the occupied values.
6. Setpoint 02 internally coordinates the supplyair set point
resetin several of the algorithms and can not be modified.
Setpoint 03 is used for comparison by the unit to return
air, Space temperature or Average space temperature
through linkage to determine when to start reset of the
supply air when occupied, when to turn on heat and
disablecooling when occupied and when tobringthe unit
onfor unoccupied heating or cooling.
Setpoint04 is used to set the head pressure set point if
the unit is ordered with the head pressure control
option. Only the Occupied Low set point may be
modified the other values will change to the Occupied
low valued shortly after it is modified so that all the
valuesremain the same.
Setpoint05 is used to set the supply air static pressure the
unit should maintain. Only the Occupied Low set point
may be modified the other values will change to the
Occupied low value shortly after it is modified so that all
the values remain the same. The set point in the static
pressurecont rolal gorithm will alsofol low and cannot be
modifiedin the algorithm confi guration screens.
Setpoint 06 is the Supply air temperature set point.
Only the Occupied Low set point may be modified the
other values will change to the Occupied low value
shortly after it is modified so that all the values remain
the same. The set point in DX VAV staging and some
of the other algorithms will also follow and cannot be
modified in the algorithm configuration screens.
Setpoint 07 is the building pressure set point for the
building pressure control of a variable speed exhaust
fan from a field-supplied module. Only the Occupie d
Low set point may be modified the other values will
change to the Occupied low value shortly after it is
modifiedso that all thevalues remain the same.
Setpoint 08 is the raw milliamp set point for the build-
ing pressure control and is tied to Setpoint 07 for the
sensor range selected in the custom programming
configuration. Several choices of building static
pressure sensors may be purchased and supplied for
building pressure control.
Setpoint09 is used for the humidification/dehumidification
outputfrom a fi eld-supplied module. This set point may be
modifiedto enable the Humidity output to either humidify
or dehumidify when the indoor relative humidity (IRH)
exceeds the set point.
Table7 lists the available controller set poin ts and their
7. Pressing the button will take the user out of the
setpoint configuration mode.