7-9-7 Tests

Definition of Terms

p1 condition : sample proportion test conditions (“” specifies two-tail test, “<”


specifies one-tail test where sample 1 is smaller than sample 2, “>”

x1 :

specifies one-tail test where sample 1 is greater than sample 2.)

data value (integer, x1 >0) of sample 1

n1 :

size of sample 1 (positive integer)

x2 :

data value (integer, x2 >0) of sample 2

n2 :

size of sample 2 (positive integer)

Calculation Result Output


: test condition

z :

z value

p :


1 :

estimated proportion of sample 1

2 :

estimated proportion of sample 2


estimated sample proportion

n1 :

size of sample 1

n2 :

size of sample 2


Data1 : 220 , sample size : 400

Data2 : 184 , sample size : 400

Statistics Wizard Operation

(1)On the menu bar, tap [Calc] and then [Test].

(2)Select [Two-Prop ZTest] and then tap [Next >>].

(3)Select p1 conditon [>] and input values.

(4)Tap [Next >>].

(5)To display the graph, tap $.

uProgram, eActivity or Main Application

Command: TwoPropZTest

Command Syntax

p1 condition”, x1 value, n1 value, x2 value, n2 value

Input Example:

TwoPropZTest “>”,220,400,184,400