

u Vkey set

Tapping the Vkey displays keys for inputting single-character variables, and changes the

Vsoftkey to I. You can tap this key to toggle between Vand the initial 2D keyboard. Tapping the Ekey switches to a key set for inputting upper-case single-character variables.



As its name suggests, a single-character variable is a variable name that consists of a single character like “a” or “x”. Each character you input on the Vkeyboard is treated as a single- character variable. You cannot use the Vkeyboard to input multiple-character variable names like “ab” or multiple-character strings. You must use the alphabet (abc) keyboard when you want to input a multiple-character string. For more information, see “Using Single-character Variables” on page 1-6-12.

For information about the Dkey that appears in the lower right of all of the 2D keyboard key sets, see “Using the Answer Variable (ans)” on page 2-2-2.

Note that natural input is available in most applications of the ClassPad. Natural input cannot be used in the geometry measurement box or when entering data into a list.

uTo use the 2D keyboard for natural input

Example 1: To input 15 + 37

(1)On the application menu, tap Jto start the Main application.

(2)Press the ckey.

(3)Press the kkey, and then tap )to display the 2D keyboard.

(4) Tap Nand then tap bto input the numerator.

(5)Tap the input box of the denominator to move the cursor there, or press c and then tap f.

(6)Press e to move the cursor to the right side of 1/5.

Instead of using e to move the cursor, you could also tap with the stylus at the cursor destination.

(7) Tap +.

(8)Tap N, and then repeat steps (4) through (6) to input 3/7.

(9)After everything is the way you want, press E.