uSlope (display of derivative at current pointer location in conic section graph)

{On}/{Off} ... {display on}/{display off}

uPayment (payment period setting)

{BEGIN}/{END} ... {beginning}/{end} setting of payment period

uDate Mode (number of days per year setting)

{365}/{360} ... interest calculations using {365}/{360} days per year

uPeriods/YR. (payment interval specification)

{Annual}/{Semi} ... {annual}/{semiannual}

uGraph Color

{Black}/{Blue}/{Red}/{Magenta}/{Green}/{Cyan}/{Yellow} ... Specifies a single line color for graphing in the Financial mode.

uIneq Type (inequality fill specification)

{Intsect}/{Union} ... When graphing multiple inequalities, {fill areas where all inequality conditions are satisfied}/{fill areas where each inequality condition is satisfied}

uSimplify (calculation result auto/manual reduction specification)

{Auto}/{Manual} ... {auto reduce and display}/{display without reduction}

uQ1Q3 Type (Q1/Q3 calculation formulas)

{Std}/{OnData} ... {divide total population on its center point between upper and lower groups, with the median of the lower group Q1 and the median of the upper group Q3}/ {make the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater than 1/4 and nearest to 1/4 Q1 and the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater than 3/4 and nearest to 3/4 Q3}

uAuto Calc (spreadsheet auto calc)

{On}/{Off} ... {execute}/{not execute} the formulas automatically

uShow Cell (spreadsheet cell display mode)

{Form}/{Val} ... {formula}*1/{value}

uMove (spreadsheet cell cursor direction)*2

{Low}/{Right} ... {move down}/{move right}

*1 Selecting “Form” (formula) causes a formula in the cell to be displayed as a formula. The “Form” does not affect any non-formula data in the cell.

*2 Specifies the direction the cell cursor moves when you press the w key to register cell input, when the Sequence command generates a number table, and when you recall data from List memory.
