• Other errors

When you see

It means this:

So you need to do this:

this message:






No Data

The specified data does not exist.

Change the data specification.


(Occurs when a list or variable that



does not contain data is referenced.)





No File

Attempting to recall a file from Picture

Specify a Picture Memory number


Memory (1 through 20) when there is

where a file is stored.


no file located at the applicable Picture



Memory number.





Not Enough

• The list you specified for a calculation

• Check the number of elements


does not contain the number of

required by the calculation you are


elements required to perform the

trying to perform and adjust the



number of list elements accordingly.


• You attempted to execute a

• For frequency data, use a list


statistical calculation using a list

whose elements contain values


whose elements are all zero for the

greater than zero.


frequency data.




