Following is an example of the show controllers cbus command for a VIP2 that shows an interface port (3/1/0) that has an
Router# show controllers cbus 3/1/0
slot3: VIP2, hw 2.3, sw 21.40, ccb 5800FF30, cmdq 48000088, vps 8192 software loaded from system
IOS (tm) VIP Software
Mx Serial(4), HW Revision 0x2, FW Revision 1.25 Serial3/1/0, applique is
gfreeq 48000140, lfreeq 480001D0 (1536 bytes), throttled 0 rxlo 4, rxhi 81, rxcurr 1, maxrxcurr 2
txq 48001A00, txacc 48001A02 (value 6), txlimit 6
To change the mode of a port online, use software commands to shut down the interface, replace the compact serial cable, restart the interface and, if necessary, reconfigure the port for the new interface. At system startup or restart, the system polls the interfaces and determines the electrical interface type of each port (according to the type of compact serial cable attached). However, the system does not necessarily repoll an interface when you change the adapter cable online. To ensure that the system recognizes the new interface type, shut down and reenable the interface after changing the cable.
If you are replacing a cable with a cable that has the same mode, these steps are not necessary (simply replace the cable without interrupting operation).
Step 1 Enter configuration mode and at the privileged level of the EXEC (also called enable mode), specify the port address, shut down the interface, and write the configuration to nonvolatile
For a Cisco 7200 series, Cisco uBR7200 series, or Cisco 7100 series router, use the following commands:
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# interface serial 1/0
For a VIP2, use the following commands:
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# interface serial 3/1/0
Step 2 Locate and remove the adapter cable to be replaced.
Step 3 Connect the new cable between the
Step 4 Enter configuration mode again, bring the port back up, and save the running configuration to NVRAM.
Installing the