See the following sections:
•Purpose, page v
•Audience, page v
•Naming Conventions, page v
•Documentation Conventions, page vi
•Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Documentation, page vii
•Obtaining Documentation, page vii
•Documentation Feedback, page viii
•Cisco Product Security Overview, page viii
•Obtaining Technical Assistance, page x
•Obtaining Additional Publications and Information, page xi
This guide describes how to install, configure and manage Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
This guide is for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system administrators. It assumes the following:
•You have a thorough understanding of voice and data terminology and concepts.
•You are familiar with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace and networking concepts.
Naming Conventions
Previous releases of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server were called “MeetingPlace Server” or “MeetingServer.” In this guide, “Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server” refers to all releases past and present.
Table 1 describes terms used throughout the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace set of documents.
Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace SMTP
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