Chapter 1
Introducing EthIR LAN
Clarinet EthIR LAN provides single and multiple infrared network access and information beaming points allowing users to connect cell phones or handheld PCs to their network and server using safe, cordless infrared technology. Once installed, EthIR LAN is transparent to the user; that is you can receive and transmit information just as you would with a wired connection.
This document was written for single port ESB101/301/3011b/1000 and
User Profile
This documentation is for IT Managers and Network Administrators. It assumes that as an EthIR LAN user you possess basic knowledge and expertise in the following networking areas:
•Concepts - such as network management
•Structure - network structure in general and your network structure in particular, including hardware, software, and topology
•General standards and protocols - such as
How this Guide Is Organized
This EthIR LAN User Guide provides detailed instructions for installing, configuring and using EthIR LAN. It is comprised of this chapter and three additional chapters and appendices as follows:
•Chapter 2, Installation, provides information on the components that compose EthIR LAN and provides installation instructions for each component. In addition, it describes how to use EthIR LAN.
•Chapter 3, Configuring EthIR LAN, provides instructions for configuring the EthIR Switch, your user system, and connecting to EthIR LAN.
•Chapter 4, ClarinetIR, provides information on ClarinetIR freeware utility that helps your notebook, PocketPC, and Palm devices to connect to EthIR LAN system.