Symptom | Possible Cause Solution |
Cannot access access Internet (external web pages) on my PC through the Connection Point
Modem is not on. | Turn on DSL or cable modem. |
No valid IP | Go to Connection Point |
address on | Page. Click Renew Internet IP Address |
Connection Point | icon. Then, Renew Internet IP. |
| |
ISP service is | Verify that DSL or cable modem is on |
down. | and working properly by checking the |
| modem’s LEDs. Consult modem |
| documentation or ISP for information |
| regarding modem status. |
Previous MAC | Reset the cable or DSL modem: unplug |
address was not | power to modem for anywhere from |
released by cable | several minutes to several hours. |
or DSL modem. | Contact ISP for more information. |
Connection Point | ISP may require additional configuration |
information: PPPoE account user name | |
settings not | and password, DNS, device name, or |
properly | MAC address. Contact ISP for specific |
configured. | requirements and add them to your |
| configuration. |
ISP requires MAC | Refer to Chapter 5 section on MAC |
address of | Spoofing. |
device |
connected to |
Internet. |
iPAQ Connection Point |