Chapter 5 Further Configuration
Enabling MAC Filtering
Click on MAC Filtering from the CONFIGURATION menu.
Select Enable from the MAC Filtering
drop-down list.
Click on the Add button to add in the
MAC address of the user.
Fill in the Mac Addr field with the
MAC address of the client in the format
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx,
where x is any value within the range 0-
9 or a-f.
Click on the Apply button to update the
Referring to the figure shown on the
right, notice that the MAC Address has
been added to the list.
Next, you can choose whether you wish
to allow/prevent the user to/from access
to the network.
Simply cl ick on the radio button besides
Allow PCs listed to access network, or
Prevent PCs listed from accessing
Click Apply button to update the
When Mac Filtering is enabled with allow access policy, the Mac Address list
cannot be empty.