Chapter 5 Further Configuration
5.4.1 Static Routing
The following will show you how to add entries to your gateway’s routing
table so that it may re-route IP packets to another network, which is very
useful if your network has more than one router.
Static Routing
Click on Routing from the CONFIGURATION menu.
The IP Routing Table
illustrated by the screen shot on
the left displays the list of
current routing entries.
If you want to add a static route
in the IP Routing Table:
Click on the Add button.
Specify the Destination IP
Address of your new entry.
Fill in the Gateway IP Address.
Click on Apply.
The new entry will appear in the updated IP Routing Table.
If you want to add more routes, click on the Add button.
Delete Static Routing
If you want to delete any of the
table routes:
Select the entry to delete. Click
on the Delete button.
The table will be refreshed.