‘‘SLEEP’’ (SLEEP TIME) may be programmed into Unit to allow Unit to go into sleep time (Unit shut down, freeze cyl- inders beaters and refrigeration systems not operating). At start of sleep time, refrigeration compressor will operate for 30 seconds to pump freon out of freeze cylinders evaporator coils, then No. 1 freeze cylinder will go into defrost for 60 seconds. After No. 1 freeze cylinder has defrosted, No. 2 freeze cylinder will go into defrost for 60 seconds. At the end of No. 2 freeze cylinder defrost, Unit will shut down and go into sleep time.
‘‘WAKE UP’’ (WAKE UP TIME) may be programmed into the Unit to allow Unit to resume normal operation at a de- sired time. When programmed wake up time is reached, an alarm will sound for a short duration, then Unit will re- sume normal operation.
NOTE: Automatic defrost, sleep time, and wake up time may be used in any combination together or sepa- rately.
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