Dell NM176 Run the System Setup, Program to correct, Settings. See Using, Drive USB Device on

Models: NM176

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Table 1-4. System Messages (continued)



Corrective Actions




SATA Port 0/1/2

SATA Port 0/1/2 set as Auto,

Run the System Setup

hard disk not found no disk installed.

program to correct the



settings. See "Using the



System Setup Program" on



page 35.




Sector not found

Faulty diskette or hard

See "Troubleshooting a

Seek error


USB Device" on page 102


or "Troubleshooting a Hard

Seek operation



Drive" on page 111 for the




appropriate drive installed





in your system.




Shutdown failure

Shutdown test failure.

Ensure that all memory



modules are properly



installed. See



"Troubleshooting System



Memory" on page 108. If



the problem persists, see



"Getting Help" on



page 127.




The amount of

Faulty memory module.

See "Troubleshooting

system memory has


System Memory" on



page 108. If the problem


Information only, if you

persists, see "Getting Help"


have changed the memory

on page 127.





Faulty memory module.

See "Troubleshooting



System Memory" on



page 108. If the problem



persists, see "Getting Help"



on page 127.




Time-of-day clock

Faulty battery; faulty

See "Troubleshooting the


system board.

System Battery" on



page 106. If the problem



persists, see "Getting Help"



on page 127.

About Your System


Page 27
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Dell NM176 Run the System Setup, Program to correct, Settings. See Using, Faulty diskette or hard See Troubleshooting a