Country (City)

Service Type

Area Codes,

International Access Code


Local Numbers, and

Country Code


Toll-Free Numbers

City Code


Web and E-mail Address




U.S.A. (Austin, Texas)

Dell Services for the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing,

toll-free: 1-877-DELLTTY

International Access Code: 011

or Speech-Impaired


Country Code: 1


toll-free: 1-800-727-8320


Technical Support



toll-free: 1-800-232-8544


Home and Home Office

toll-free: 1-800-624-9896


Portable and Desktop AutoTech

toll-free: 1-800-247-9362


Small Business

toll-free: 1-800-456-3355


Medium and Large Business

toll-free: 1-877-671-3355


State and Local Government

toll-free: 1-800-981-3355


Federal Government

toll-free: 1-800-727-1100



toll-free: 1-800-274-1550


K-12 Education

toll-free: 1-888-977-3355


Higher Education

toll-free: 1-800-274-7799


Printers, Projectors, PDAs, and MP3 Players

toll-free: 1-877-459-7298


Customer Service

toll-free: 1-800-624-9897


Automated Order Status

toll-free: 1-800-433-9014


Small Business

toll-free: 1-800-456-3355


Medium and Large Business

toll-free: 1-877-671-3355


State and Local Government

toll-free: 1-800-981-3355


Federal Government

toll-free: 1-800-727-1100



toll-free: 1-800-274-1550


K-12 Education

toll-free: 1-888-977-3355


Higher Education

toll-free: 1-800-274-7799


Employee Purchase Program (EPP)

toll-free: 1-800-695-8133


Financial Services


Leases and Loans

toll-free: 1-877-577-3355


Dell Preferred Accounts (DPA)

toll-free: 1-800-283-2210



1-800-289-3355 or 1-800-879-3355


Dell Outlet Store

toll-free: 1-888-798-7561


Software and Peripherals Sales

toll-free: 1-800-671-3355


Obtaining Assistance

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Dell PP03X 172, Or Speech-Impaired Country Code Fax Toll-free, Leases and Loans Toll-free Dell Preferred Accounts DPA