T O U C H P A D — Provides the functionality of a mouse. Silk screening on the touch pad indicates scrolling capabilities.
M E D I A C O N T R O L B U T T O N S — Control CD, DVD, and Media Player playback.
Mute the sound.
Turn the volume down.
Turn the volume up.
Play or pause.
Play the previous track.
Play the next track.
S P E A K E R S — To adjust the volume of the integrated speakers, press the media control buttons or
T O U C H P A D B U T T O N S — Touch pad buttons provide the functionality of a mouse.
K E Y B O A R D — The keyboard includes a numeric keypad as well as the Microsoft Windows logo key. For information on supported keyboard shortcuts, see "Key Combinations" on page 36.
D E L L M E D I A D I R E C T ™ B U T T O N — You can press the Dell MediaDirect button to launch either Microsoft Windows Media Center Edition or another version of Windows XP with Dell Media Experience if either of these media applications is installed.