Processor type | Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processors |
L1 cache | 64 KB (internal) |
L2 cache | 4 MB |
External bus frequency | 800 MHz |
System Information |
System chipset | Intel PM965 |
Data bus width | 64 bits |
DRAM bus width | 64 bits |
Processor address bus width | 36 bits |
Graphics bus | internal |
PC Card |
CardBus controller | O2Micro OZ711EZ1 |
PC Card connector | one (supports one Type I or Type II card) |
Cards supported | 3.3 V and 5 V |
PC Card connector size | 80 pins |
Data width (maximum) | PCMCIA 16 bits |
| CardBus 32 bits |
| |
Intel® Turbo Memory | 512 MB, 1 GB (flash cache technology; see |
| "FCM (Flash Cache Module)" on page 123) |
Smart Card |
Read/write capabilities | reads and writes to all ISO 7816 1/2/3/4 |
| microprocessor cards (T=0, T=1) |
Cards supported | 3 V and 5 V |
Program technology supported | Java cards |